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Sunday Lawn and Garden
If you’ve spent much time in suburbia in the summer, you’ve probably seen emerald lawns flying foreboding little yellow flags. “Caution,” they warn. “Pesticide Application. Keep Off.” Inspired by these warnings, two brothers started Sunday, a sustainability-focused subscription lawn and garden care company. Of course, from a purely environmental perspective, rewilding a lawn is the best solution. But, if you love your lawn and live in an area with sufficient rainfall to keep it in good form, Sunday is a good bet.
The company designs custom lawn plans based on soil analysis, climate data, and more. Their grass seed, fertilizer, and weed and pest control products are designed to help spot-treat problems while boosting resistance to heat and drought, as well as overall lawn health. All items are free from glyphosate and several other powerful pesticides. This means that families can enjoy their lawns as soon as products dry. As a 1% for the Planet member company, Sunday donates a portion of profits to environmental causes such as tallgrass prairie ecosystem reparation.
The company designs custom lawn plans based on soil analysis, climate data, and more. Their grass seed, fertilizer, and weed and pest control products are designed to help spot-treat problems while boosting resistance to heat and drought, as well as overall lawn health. All items are free from glyphosate and several other powerful pesticides. This means that families can enjoy their lawns as soon as products dry. As a 1% for the Planet member company, Sunday donates a portion of profits to environmental causes such as tallgrass prairie ecosystem reparation.

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