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Ökocat Kitty Litter

Devoted cat lover and Bluedot student journalist Cleo Carney decided to find the most effective and sustainable cat litter on the market. Ökocat wood litter emerged as the variety that would work best for most people, cats, and planet. Her article convinced me, Bluedot’s marketplace editor, to give Ökocat a try. The results wowed me. For a couple of weeks after the switch, my husband and I often neglected litter box duty the lack of smell made us each think that the other had already scooped! My cats use the Original litter, while Oscar tested out the Super Soft variety. Like Cleo, I appreciate the “subtle, natural scent” of the upcycled wood remnants, as well as the recyclable paper packaging. It's also available in most pet stores (unlike Cleo’s other top pick, Canadian brand Junai, which is hard to find in the States).
In a home kitchen, a white and gray cat with green eyes stands on a wood floor next to a white box of cat litter from the brand Okocat.
In a home kitchen, a white and gray cat with green eyes stands on a wood floor next to a white box of cat litter from the brand Okocat.

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