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Boardgame-lovers and birders alike will delight in Wingspan, a beautifully illustrated and informative game. The premise: You and your fellow players are ornithologists, all searching for exciting birds to attract to your wildlife preserves. You gain food tokens, hatch wooden eggs, and draw and play birds from over 170 gorgeous cards. Designed for one to five players, this is a competitive, strategy-focused board game for players with relatively long attention spans. It also comes with charming wooden props, and has a number of expansions available. If you enjoy games such as Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Carcassone, or Splendor, chances are that you’ll enjoy Wingspan. Game play lasts around an hour. Stonemaier, the game’s producer, has donated over $25,000 to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and other bird-centered groups.

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