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Felco Gardening Tools
I, Bluedot’s Marketplace Editor, have always loved flowers and foraging, but never had a clipper that could match my enthusiasm. I’d break mine on woody lilacs, or huff in disappointment as I sawed my way through tuberous dahlia stems. My frustration turned to delight when I first used the Swiss-made Felco 2 pruning shears. I received mine as a gift from an avid gardener and landscape designer who’s depended on hers for decades. Felco’s excellent assortment of garden tools includes right- and left-handed options as well as tools designed to fit different hand sizes. The company offers a limited lifetime warranty as well as replacement parts for nearly every component. As my husband likes to say, “Buy once, cry once.” At $69.40, the price shouldn’t cause too many tears, especially considering the low cost per use.

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