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Dr. Bronner's Soap
There’s a reason you’ll find Dr. Bronner’s products in just about every health food store and in almost all Bluedotter’s homes: the stuff is awesome. This Certified B. Corp’s biodegradable, super-concentrated, castile soaps keep us feeling fresh at home and on the trail. Writer Mollie Doyle has been devoted to the zippy peppermint soap for over 40 years. Kelsey Perrett, Digital Projects Manager, is a true enthusiast who has put the brand’s “18-in-1” claim to the test. In addition to enjoying the lavender liquid soap for showers, she uses it for household cleaning and even laundry. Kelsey also keeps Dr. Bronner’s bar soap at the kitchen sink to do the dishes. She does offer one caveat: “They say you can brush your teeth with Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap. Do not!” We appreciate the warning, and still happily recommend Dr. Bronner’s for just about everything else.

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