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Credo Beauty

Credo makes finding sustainable beauty products quick and painless. Rather than throwing out terms like “clean” and “natural” without definitions, Credo clearly states what “clean” means to them, lists the ingredients they do and don’t carry, and explains why. They also vet brands for sustainability, ethics, and sourcing. Several Bluedotters go to Credo for their beauty needs. Winning products include Ursa Major skincare, Maison Louis Marie perfume, Osea body oils, and exceptionally long-lasting Kosas lipstick. Products ship in all-paper packaging that makes it easy to compost or recycle your waste. Residents of Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Boston, Chicago, and Plano can shop Credo stores in person. Make an appointment online to receive a 45-minute Glow Mini Facial free with a $50 purchase.
A box of clean beauty products in sustainable packaging from Credo Beauty. photo credit Whitney Multari for Bluedot Living.
A box of clean beauty products in sustainable packaging from Credo Beauty. photo credit Whitney Multari for Bluedot Living.

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