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Thousand Fell Sneakers
We love Thousand Fell, a new vegan sneaker brand that has created what they call the world’s first totally recyclable tennis shoe. Their list of materials reads almost like a recipe, and includes corn, sugar cane, aloe, castor bean oil, and coconut husks. Upcycled yoga mats make ingeniously soft and comfy insoles. A quartz coating extends the sneakers’ lifespan by preventing scuffing and repelling water. To clarify, you cannot put your shoes in a blue bin, but when you are done with your shoes, you can send them back to Thousand Fell for recycling. Depending on their condition, the company will break them down into components to upcycle, or refurbish and donate the old pairs. We predict that you’ll soon be seeing these hip white sneaks all over the place; a rainbow of available accent colors makes them extra-covetable.

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