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NAE Vegan Footwear
Few companies build mission statements into their business models the way NAE does: the brand name stands for No Animal Exploitation. Founded in Portugal in 2008, NAE aims to “counter the exploitation of both animals and humans.” The company has developed a reputation by uniting traditional Portuguese craftsmanship with innovative materials. NAE has been an early adopter of several vegan leathers. You can choose to shop by material, including apple and pineapple “leathers,” cork, recycled plastic, organic cotton, and more. Offerings range from work-style boots and sneakers to elegant sandals and heels. In addition to shoes for men and women (and a unisex footwear line), NAE makes bags, belts, and wallets. Once NAE items have been well-loved, customers can send used items back in exchange for a voucher, and NAE will either resell, donate, or recycle the items.

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